The peaceful life of Mingmei, a first-year student at Haida University, is disrupted by the mysterious disappearance of her father. During an escape from being followed, she meets Fu Zichen, a carefree and flirtatious senior from the same school, and inadvertently ruins a candlelight dinner date he had meticulously prepared for his female compan...
Zhu Jiu, who harbored dreams of becoming a surgeon, enrolled in the medical school of Heidelberg University in Germany at the age of 17. The high tuition and living expenses in Europe compelled her to take on various part-time jobs under the immense pressure of her studies. In the autumn of her 18th year, through a friend's introduction, she beg...
Fifteen years of a grand dream, she devoted her best youth and her greatest love entirely to him
Those long-past events can ultimately be sought no more.
The immensely popular author, Lü Yige, embarks on a brand new journey
Following the release of "The Years Have Passed", we once again collaborate with Meili Culture to present...
The female lead is responsible for fighting and killing, while the male lead is tasked with guarding the home and protecting the family
The popular Xianxia romance author Jiu Lu Fei Xiang's heartfelt masterpiece
The must-read, captivating, and heart-wrenching romance fantasy novels of the year
In those years, I stood in front o...
The Star Lord of the Nine Heavens, after being rejected in his confession, entered a dream while intoxicated and inadvertently found himself in the Wanjian Ruins, where he encountered the last divine dragon, Changyuan, who was imprisoned due to the decree of heaven.
The God of Fate, upon understanding the cause and effect, decided to rewri...
The original title of this book during serialization was "My Wonderful Life," and it has now been renamed "My Extraordinary Times" for publication.
Su Xiaoxin, an ordinary person who has experienced both heartbreak and job loss, is an obscure comic author. By chance, he encounters Li Duidui and learns of the existence of non-human beings. ...
The original title of this book during serialization was "Ninth Master, Don't Do This," and it has now been renamed "You in the Distant Starry Sky" for its compiled publication
A flash of white light passed by, the wind howled like a tiger, and a giant white object came crashing down from mid-air
The heavens have laid an eg...
Is there a person whom you have deeply buried in your heart, who, even as time passes by, has never been forgotten?
A wager led Zhou Shiyi into Ruan Qianqian's heart, yet he remained unaware that the long passage of time had also etched her figure into his youth
A chance encounter brought them back into each other's sight, yet return...
The original title of this book during serialization was "Provocation Plan", and it has now been renamed "Warmly Understanding the Heart" for publication.
What is it like to encounter the same stranger three times in one day
Wen Xin: "I have a heart that wants to die!"
The first time she met Gu Yunshen, Wenxin was arguing passi...
Many years later, Su Zhan returned to Yajiang and encountered that person once again
Sheng Qianwei quietly leaned in and whispered in her ear: "Actually, I saw everything that day, when the team held a retirement party for the great one, he pressed you against the sink and kissed you..."
Su Zhan glanced at her
I have admired hi...
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